At Thermaflex we are on a mission!
For three generations now, the focus of our family-run business has been on thermal energy distribution. In the past we simply produced insulation materials for pipes and technical installations to save money and to improve hot water efficiency for heating and sanitary use. Today, we are very much aware that close to half of the energy produced on this planet is used for heating and cooling. Most of it is generated by burning fossil fuels. This has made our vision absolutely clear to us:
Minimize the waste of energy & maximize the use of renewables.
We develop smart, efficient, and sustainable insulation solutions for heating, cooling and potable water distribution using state-of-the-art flexible pre-insulated piping systems that are applied in residential areas, offices, hotels, public buildings and industries across the globe. Our on nature-inspired design for efficiency, durability and recyclability demands a minimum of resources for maximum benefit in respect to energy, environment, economy and quality of life.