Yes, instead of logging into each service separately as some other sites have, offers you access to all services in one place.
You can reset your password here.
We recommend that you sign up to our Saved Searches e-mail service to receive the latest jobs in your own mailbox. Besides that we’d recommend you to make a personal profile and summary to enable recruiters to view your personalized completed profile and get in contact with you and for the e-mail service to be able to send you the most related jobs available. To do so, click on the profile button on the top right hand personal menu after login onto and complete the forms. The summary in your own personal profile will enable recruiters to directly check upon your preferred specialties, backgrounds and locations and to send you the best matching jobs possible.
Please first select an education background and the list of specialties will appear in the specialties box.
Yes, if you log onto your own account you can change your preferences of the saved searches in the corresponding link in the menu bar. To increase or decrease the frequency of the saved searches e-mails, just edit the saved search and change and save the new frequency. To permanently delete the specific saved search choose ‘delete’ from the actions attached to each specific saved search item. You can select a maximum of: 3 educational backgrounds 5 specialties belonging to the chosen education backgrounds 3 education levels 3 experience levels 3 languages 5 countries If you would like to select more, we’d advise you to make a second saved search with the remaining criteria you would like to apply.
Yes and if you delete your account all your information, uploaded documents, stored saved searches by e-mail, sent applications and personal data will be deleted. You can then create a new account if needed. To delete your acccount, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with your account details.
Please provide your name and e-mail address details and a detailed description of your question in our contact form on the ‘contact us’ page and we will get in contact with you asap.
If your account has not been accessed for a period of 12 months in a row, we will try to get in contact with you to ask if you still want to keep your personal account on If you do not reply or answer our contact attempts, we will permanently delete your account as a consequence of data protection reasons. If you have asked to remain updated with our newsletter, your e-mail address will remain in the newsletter database for an indefinite period of time until you unsubscribe to the newsletter service.
If you have already signed up you can make use of the forgot password functionality in the menu to receive a new password to logon to your own account. If you do not yet have an account register, please click here to register yourself for a new account.
You can choose to advertise your job ad for 60, 90 or 365 days.
Please provide your name and e-mail address details and a detailed description of your question in our contact form on the contact page and we will get in contact with you.
Open your MyQreer menu and choose 'update password' or 'update e-mail'.