NuExec Consulting - Finding Exceptional Individuals For the Nuclear Industry.
NuExec Consulting is one of, if not the only recruitment business that solely recruits for the nuclear industry. By focusing purely on this sector it means that our knowledge and network is second to none.
Recruiting purely through our extensive network, recommendations and direct approaches you can guarantee that we know the best people within our sector and understand that the true talent of our industry do not need to advertise themselves on jobsites.
As a small organisation we focus on relationships and like to think of our candidates and clients as friends. Over the time of working with them solid relationships and mutual trust and respect is built ensuring continued communication and recommendations.
As NuExec is a niche and specialised consultancy we will only work with candidates and clients we genuinely feel we can fulfil the requirements for. We will not represent any candidate or work for any client who we feel do not share our ethics.