We're here to democratize the world of printing.
We want to enable everyone to access creativity - their own, yours or others – in the printed format. Connecting printers from all countries on our planet to a print cloud – open to everyone.
We believe that "collaborative consumption" can be the positive consequence of a "sharing economy". We believe in sharing fixed assets – in our case sharing of print machines. And in allowing excess capacity to be intelligently allocated.
Sharing permits owners of fixed assets to monetize the underutilized assets. It offers environmentally friendly local delivery.
By applying the right technology, people no smarter than you and I can still solve hard problems. Establishing an intelligent allocation of print files across our planet – that is a hard problem. This has the potential to improve things for you and me.
We saw a need for a different kind of solution. We knew it would take a different kind of company to build it.
That's why we are here.
We believe in sharing fixed assets – in our case sharing of print machines.
We saw a need for a different kind of solution. We knew it would take a different kind of company to build it.