In Hanau - Umicore's largest site in Germany - is situated Umicore AG & Co. KG with seven business units. For most of them this site is the headquarter of their global business. The location also hosts one of Umicore's main research centres, which is particularly active in the field of clean technologies (automotive catalysts and fuel cells).
Around 1000 people are employed at Umicore’s site in Hanau in research, production or sales of numerous products containing precious metals:
- Production of holistic platinum processing systems for the glass and fertiliser industries;
- Production of contact materials and brazing alloys for the electro-technical industry;
- Automotive catalysts and diesel particle filters;
- Inorganic and metal-organic precious metal compounds for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries
- Application engineering for innovative cathode materials for rechargeable batteries, as deployed in consumer and industrial applications;
- Dismantling facility for spent batteries from hybrid and electric vehicles to prepare them for the recycling process;
- Supplying precious metals and hedging against price risks.