ECN Wind Energy holds a leading international position in the field of wind energy research. A convenient truth: the wind energy sector has been growing exponentially over the last decades and will continue this growth in the next decades as it is the only emission free bulk renewable electricity option that can be implemented in the short term at relatively low cost.
The activities at ECN Wind Energy focus on offshore wind power plants and should lead to a reduction in cost of energy (CoE) of offshore wind power and, related to this, increased return on investment (ROI) for offshore wind power plants.
Together with (inter)national partners, ECN Wind Energy develops knowledge and technology that will help the wind industry to innovate, and thus reduce the CoE. Clients of ECN Wind Energy are wind farm developers, constructors, operation & maintenance companies, and the Dutch government. ECN has its own wind turbine test location in Wieringermeer with various turbines for experimental research. The growing unit has approximately 50 employees.